Photography workshop in Tuscany
October 3, 2016If some of worlds most beautiful landscapes cherish your eyes, then why not to learn on-site to perpetuate it with photographic means. Spring at Tuscany, landscapes, intensive learning of photography with small group of keen students, exiting discovery of Italy. Those spring days will keep you awake, best times for photography are sunrise and sunset - but you will sleep later, at home, beautiful memories hanging at your walls.
This workshop is designed for owners of DSLR cameras or other cameras with letter M on their dial. If You are not very familiar with functioning of your camera then have a printed manual with you. Tripod is almost MUST but we can try also some workarounds. Bring your laptop with photo editing software (like Adobe Lightroom, or your camera brands native software for converting RAW format. There is also some freeware editors downloadable from internet but usually they cant handle RAW format) We will learn some ways how to „develop“ your photos in modern digital darkroom. Instructor at this workshop will be Estonian photographer, illustrator and art-teacher Andres Adamson
Installment: 650 € includes: - 5 days photography workshop, theory, practice on Tuscany landscapes. - B&B type home accommodation near Siena - Moving around with 9 seats minibus
Not included: plane tickets, food, weather.
8 participants can join this workshop. We handle applications chronologically. If you want to join do it quick. If, accidentally, your installment happens to be over quota (of 8 participants) at organizers bank account, then payment will be refunded. Workshop will happen if 8 participants are registered. This will be confirmed immediately after registering deadline.
Deadline of applying is Nov 1. 2016 All paid installments will refunded fully in case if workshop will not happen due to underbooking. NB! In case You withdraw from participating, after workshop is confirmed, you will be charged fully, except when you find someone to replace you.
Registration & questions: